Double Bear Fetish with Arrowhead Bundle
$148.00 -
Egyptian Marble Bear Fetish with Bundle by Mahooty
$94.00 -
Elfina Lowsayatee Zuni Antler Eagle Fetish
$167.00 -
Enlightenment & Healing Zuni Horse Fetish
$100.00 -
Espino Hand-Crafted Zuni Corn Maiden Kachina Fetish
$105.00 -
Faye Quandelacy Zuni Pueblo Corn Maiden Shell Fetish
$90.00 -
Felicia Massie Zuni Double Sunface Dangle Earring
$106.00 -
Fine Hand-Carved Collectible Zuni Parrot Fetish
$95.00 -
Finely Carved Picasso Marble Eagle
$133.00 -
Fish Fetish Carving by Abby Quam
$100.00 -
Garcia Zuni Black Onyx Coyote
$95.00 -
Genevieve Francisco Zuni Thunderbird Turquoise Earrings
$112.00 -
Genuine Dendritic Agate Zuni Snake Fetish Carving
$87.00 -
Genuine Hand Crafted Zuni Round Sunface Inlaid Post Earrings
$70.00 -
Genuine Hand-Carved Lementino Zuni Eagle Fetish Totem
$67.00 -
Genuine Kenny Chavez Zuni Cat Spirit Animal Fetish
$95.00 -
Genuine Marble Zuni Mole Fetish
$68.00 -
Genuine Mother of Pearl Zuni Lizard Fetish with Sunface