Marble Zuni Wolf Fetish Carving with Arrowhead
$50.00 -
Medicine Badger Fetish in Fossil-Ammono
$82.00 -
Michael Mahooty Zuni Eagle Fetish
$175.00 -
Mike Tucson Collectible Zuni Crow Fetish
$89.00 -
Mole Fetish Carving by Weekoty
$52.00 -
Mother Earth Handcrafted Zuni Edowa Turtle Fetish
$67.00 -
Mother of Pearl Horned Lizard w Sunface Fetish by Laate
$76.00 -
Mother of Pearl Squirrel Zuni Fetish Carving
$78.00 -
Mother of Pearl Wolf Fetish with Sunface
$75.00 -
Mother of Pearl Zuni Badger Fetish
$74.00 -
Mother of Pearl Zuni Frog Fetish
$68.00 -
Mother of Pearl Zuni Lizard Fetish
$68.00 -
Mother of Pearl Zuni Turtle Fetish
$78.00 -
Mountain Goat Zuni Fetish w Bundle
$76.00 -
Mountain Lion Fetish Carving by Mahooty
$178.00 -
Mountain Lion Fetish Carving in Genuine Turquoise
$112.00 -
Multi-Stone Frog Fetish
$118.00 -
Multi-Stone Zuni Duck Fetish with Sunface by Boone