Navajo Beaver Fetish by Begay
$67.00 -
Navajo Coyote Marble Fetish with Arrowhead Bundle
$65.00 -
Navajo Frog Fetish by Begay
$67.00 -
Navajo Mountain Lion Fetish
$67.00 -
Navajo Picasso Marble Beaver
$67.00 -
Picasso Marble Zuni Wolf Fetish with Bundle
$79.00 -
Pipestone Emery Boone Horse Fetish
$64.00 -
Purple Bear Fetish with Bundle by Mahooty
$94.00 -
Raven Pair Fetish Carving with Turquoise Bundle
$73.00 -
Serpentine Bird Fetish with Bundle
$65.00 -
Serpentine Tsethlikai Zuni Badger Fetish
$88.00 -
Tijilite Bear Fetish with Turquoise Arrowhead
$64.00 -
Traditional Zuni Wolf Fetish with Arrowhead Bundle
$59.00 -
Travertine Wolf Fetish by Leekya
$67.00 -
Tsethlakai Zuni Badger Fetish with Arrowhead Bundle
$94.00 -
Tsethlikai Bear Fetish with Picasso Arrowhead Bundle
$89.00 -
Tsethlikai Mole Fetish Carving
$94.00 -
Tsethlikai Picasso Marble Bear Fetish with Turquoise Bundle