Coyote Fetish Carving with Arrowhead Bundle
$73.00 -
Coyote Marble Carving with Arrowhead Bundle
$72.00 -
Detailed Zuni Badger Fetish with Arrowhead
$118.00 -
Finely Carved Picasso Marble Eagle
$133.00 -
Genuine Marble Zuni Mole Fetish
$68.00 -
Haloo Picasso Marble Zuni Bear Fetish
$56.00 -
Horned Lizard Fetish Carving by Hustito
$64.00 -
Horned Lizard Picasso Marble Fetish by Etsate
$62.00 -
Inlaid Picasso Marble Frog Fetish
$42.00 -
Kaamasee Zuni Mountain Lion Fetish Carving
$112.00 -
Laate Serpentine Zuni Bear Fetish
$72.00 -
Laate Zuni Badger Fetish Carving
$79.00 -
Leekya Picasso Marble Zuni Bear Fetish
$75.00 -
Leekya Zuni Beaver Marble Fetish
$94.00 -
Lizard Picasso Marble Fetish with Sunface
$76.00 -
Lynn Quam Hand-Carved Buffalo Fetish
$218.00 -
Mahooty Standing Zuni Bear Fetish
$94.00 -
Marble Navajo Bear Fetish with Arrowhead Bundle