Ammonite Zuni Badger Fetish Carving by Laate
$97.00 -
Authentic Zuni Standing Bear with Sunface by Laate
$97.00 -
Genuine Bear Fetish Carving by Danette Laate
$91.00 -
Genuine Orthoceras Fossil Zuni Badger Fetish
$94.00 -
Genuine Orthoceras Mountain Lion Sunface Fetish Art
$100.00 -
Genuine Petoskey Coral Zuni Cougar Fetish by M. Mahooty
$175.00 -
Genuine Quam Petoskey Fossilized Coral Zuni Rabbit Fetish
$64.00 -
Genuine Zuni Sunface Bear Fetish Carving
$97.00 -
Hand-Carved Zuni Badger Fetish by Abby Quam
$85.00 -
Hand-Crafted Original Zuni Bear Fetish
$68.00 -
Handcrafted Petoskey Fossil Frog Fetish by Reynold Lunasee
$143.00 -
Native American Badger Carving by Danette Laate
$85.00 -
Native American Zuni Bear Fetish by Mahooty
$115.00 -
Original Zuni Coyote Fetish by Danette Laate
$94.00 -
Original Zuni Fossil Bear Fetish With Sunface
$97.00 -
Orthoceras Fossil & Turquoise Zuni Snake Fetish
$89.00 -
Petoskey Fossilized Coral Bear Fetish Carving
$148.00 -
Traditional Native American Zuni Bear Fetish With Sunface