Mahooty Standing Zuni Bear Fetish
$94.00 -
Marble Navajo Bear Fetish with Arrowhead Bundle
$64.00 -
Marble Zuni Bear Fetish With Turquoise Inlay
$71.00 -
Mariposite Bear Fetish Carving with Bundle
$103.00 -
Medicine Bear Fetish with Turquoise Inlay by Ben Livingston
$78.00 -
Native American Bear with Heartline Etched Sandstone Coaster
$5.99 -
Native American Fetish Bear Inlaid Dangle Earrings
$190.00 -
Native American Sunface Bear Carving
$91.00 -
Native American Three Bears Spirit Animal Carved Fetish
$95.00 -
Native American Zuni Bear Fetish by Mahooty
$115.00 -
Navajo Turquoise Bear Fetish with Hanging Feather
$94.00 -
Onyx Zuni Bear Fetish w Bundle
$73.00 -
Orange Onyx Sitting Bear Fetish
$77.00 -
Original Zuni Fossil Bear Fetish With Sunface
$97.00 -
Orthoceras Bear Couple Fetish by Mahooty
$127.00 -
Orthoceras Bear Fetish Carving by Laiwakete
$118.00 -
Orthoceras Bear Fetish Carving with Heartline
$112.00 -
Peina Dancing Bear Fetish Carving