Native American Crafts
Unearth the beauty of authentic Native American culture with one-of-a-kind crafts from Zuni fetishes to kachina dolls and alabaster carvings. Discover a unique piece of history with exquisite Jemez, Acoma, Navajo pottery, or Native American artifacts. With Native American Crafts, you can bring the essence of Native American culture into your home with an array of handcrafted treasures that will last a lifetime.
Raven Fetish Carving by Lementino
$58.00 -
Raven Pair Fetish Carving with Turquoise Bundle
$73.00 -
Red Clay Horsehair Navajo Pottery Vase
$69.00 -
Red Tail Hawk Dancer Kachina
$84.00 -
Richard Gorman Eagle Dancer Kachina
$895.00 -
Rick Johnson Long Hair Kachina
$895.00 -
Rick Johnson Yeibichai Kachina
$1,195.00 -
Ricolite Serpentine Snake Fetish with Zuni Sunface
$95.00 -
Robert Benally Clown Kachina
$125.00 -
Robert Benally Mudhead Kachina
$115.00 -
Ronnie Lunasee Zuni Mountain Lion Fetish
$133.00 -
Sacred Spirit Native American Zuni Quail Antler Fetish
$77.00 -
Sammie Walker Navajo Fancy Dancer Kachina
$160.00 -
Sandstone Bear Fetish Carving by Lunasee
$193.00 -
Septarian Rabbit Fetish Carving by Chavez
$72.00 -
Septarian Zuni Mountain Lion Fetish
$180.00 -
Serpentine Bird Fetish with Bundle
$65.00 -
Serpentine Frog Carving with Sunface by Laate