Native American Crafts
Unearth the beauty of authentic Native American culture with one-of-a-kind crafts from Zuni fetishes to kachina dolls and alabaster carvings. Discover a unique piece of history with exquisite Jemez, Acoma, Navajo pottery, or Native American artifacts. With Native American Crafts, you can bring the essence of Native American culture into your home with an array of handcrafted treasures that will last a lifetime.
Picasso Marble Zuni Mole Fetish Carving
$67.00 -
Picasso Marble Zuni Mountain Lion Fetish with Sunface
$100.00 -
Picasso Marble Zuni Pig Fetish Carving
$56.00 -
Picasso Marble Zuni Snake Fetish Charm
$89.00 -
Picasso Marble Zuni Wolf Fetish with Bundle
$79.00 -
Pipestone Emery Boone Horse Fetish
$64.00 -
Pipestone Heart Line Horse Fetish by Boone
$61.00 -
Pipestone Zuni Eagle Fetish by Kammasee
$130.00 -
Pipestone Zuni Mole Fetish by Cachini
$65.00 -
Poncho Dolomite Bunny Fetish Carving
$98.00 -
Puma Zuni Fetish Carved from Mother of Pearl by D. Laate
$105.00 -
Purple Bear Fetish with Bundle by Mahooty
$94.00 -
Quail Fetish Carving by Boone
$75.00 -
Quam White Marble Inlaid Turtle Fetish
$243.00 -
Quam Zuni Hummingbird Fetish
$52.00 -
Rainbow Horsehair Pot-Willie NP-12
$79.00 -
Rare Lowsayate Antler Zuni Eagle Carving
$145.00 -
Raven Fetish Carving by Boone